Top 5 Tips to Prevent Your Computer from Crashing

A system crash may not be a very often event but when your system crashes, there can’t be an annoying situation like this. There may be numerous reasons behind system crash and befitting solutions to that as well. We have discussed some of these steps in this article to help you prevent your computer from crashing.

Deal with Heating Problem:

This is one of the possible reasons which may cause system crash problem. If your system is heated above the permitted range, then there are high chances it will crash as a last-ditch effort to save itself from permanent heat damage. Technically, almost everything inside your system generates heat and it may cause unstable performance by components inside your computer which may lead to a crash. Heat issue may cause due to various reasons like fans are not working properly, filters are unhindered by dust, power issues, dust, vents are not working well, and lot more.


Source: overclock

To fix heat issue, check your system is dispersing heat efficiently, fans are spinning properly, and check if power connection is right. If you find everything else is fine, then check your BIOS settings and Voltage settings as a possible fix. Further to clean dust & dirt from your system, turn off your system and use vacuum to clean dirt from outside the computer. Use compressed air to clean internal parts. Never apply liquid or solvent liquid to clean your system. Be careful with an internal cleaning of system and try not to mess with plugs, wires, knobs and turns. Once you allow your system to pass heat effectively, you can considerably control the heating problem and avoid crash like situation.

De-clutter Registry:

Windows Registry is a hierarchal database and vast collection of low-level settings or configuration settings for Windows operating system and for other apps. Everything on your system from device drivers to security accounts manager, kernel and user interface have access to Windows Registry for better functioning of the system. It is used to store information and settings for hardware devices, operating system configuration, software programs, user preferences and lot more. Over time these registry files get cluttered and start causing various issues on your system including system crash problem.


Source: techsupportalert

Traces of registry files from uninstalled apps & programs, old & obsolete registry files and other unused registry files keep accumulating in large numbers on your system. It not only occupies valuable disk space but it also affects system performance negatively. To edit registry on your system and to clean it, search “regedit” to open Registry Editor. Don’t forget to take backup of your existing registry before you make changes. And last don’t mess with registry files if you don’t have clue. 

Use Disk Cleanup Utility:

This is another effective step to prevent your computer from crashing. Try to find and remove all unnecessary junk files from your system to recover some precious disk space for improved performance. To do this, you can use built-in utility called “Disk Cleanup” on your Windows system. It offers a detailed analysis of all junk files on your system and helps you remove them. It displays junk files analysis and allows you to view these files before you delete them. In results, it displays junk files like log files, thumbnails, temporary files, system error dump files, temporary Internet files and much more. It allows you to select and remove all these unnecessary files instantly to recover disk space. To use this utility, follow these steps.


Source: wikipedia

  • Go to Start menu, search and select “disk cleanup” utility.
  • From the pop-up window, select the drive you want to clean.
  • On Disk Cleanup window, scroll down to find files & folders to delete.
  • Select the files & folders and press OK to delete selected items.

Apart from deleting junk files, it also allows you to clean up old & obsolete system files. It provides a separate button called “Clean up system files” to help you find and clean these unnecessary system files. This useful utility offers effective results and helps you recover disk space to improve system performance. Further, it prevents your system from crashing. This effective tool offers results like PC cleaning software  tools.


Defragment Disk:

Your system hard drive gets fragmented over time due to prolonged use. When you keep on installing, updating and uninstalling programs and files, it causes disk defragmentation. Due to this, your system takes more time search files or open and run programs. It affects system speed and performance negatively. To defrag your hard drive, Windows offers built-in utility called Disk Defragmenter or Optimize Drive. You can use this built-in utility to instantly defrag your hard disk for better performance. Using this utility, you can manage your data on hard drive and improve system performance significantly.

To do this on Windows 7, search and select “disk defragmenter” by opening Start menu. On Disk Defragmenter window, select the drive you want to defrag and click “Defragment Disk” button.


Source: computerstepbystep

To do this on Windows 10, search “defrag” or “optimize” to open Optimize Drives window. Alternatively, you can also search “disk defragmenter” to open disk defragmentation utility. Select the drive you want to defrag and click on Optimize button to initiate the defragmentation process. After completing defragmentation, it will show message mentioning 0% fragmented on Optimize Drives window.


Source: isunshare

Install Reputable Security Suite:

Another possible reason behind crashing of your system could be virus on it. If you find slower than expected speed, sudden crash, pop-up windows and similar signs then there are high chances your system is affected by virus attack. To deal with situation, you can consider installing reputable security suite. To do this, keep your system Firewall up to date and look for reliable anti-malware program. Firewall on your system will create a protective wall between your system and content coming from Internet and anti-malware program will provide thorough security to your system from all types of malware threats. Following this simple step, you can keep your system speed & performance intact while preventing system crash situation.


Source: naijatechguide

Conclusion: Windows systems offer various useful built-in tools to help you keep your system performance intact. These built-in tools help you clean your system from all junk files, protect from virus threats, and offers various other performance improvement features. Following above mentions steps, you can prevent your computer from crashing effectively.